Joe and Myrtle
JOSEPH ARLIE HELLE, 15g (George A. 14, Frederick 13)
Smithfield, IL; Jan. 1906
1st - Carthage, IL; Aug. 1930
MYRTLE MURIEL BOLON, daughter of Perry and
Alta (McCance) Bolon
Smithfield, IL; Oct. 1905
Canton, IL; Mar. 1965
br. Smithfield, IL; Baughman Cemetery
2nd - 6 Oct. 1965
Fiatt, IL; Nov. 1920
JOSEPH "JOE" ARLIE HELLE was the third son of
leorge Adam and Ida (Kaler) Helle. He writes: "How to
ondense seventy - seven active years into a short article
xvering the many activities of a large family during the
eriod 1906, when I came to Smithfield barefooted and
,arebottomed, up to the present 1983? One of thirteen
:hildren, ten boys and three girls. When five sons overflowed
he village of Smithfield in a few short years, Dad took his
~rowing family to the country for more space. I never knew if
he move was by request or by choice.
"I had the usual experiences of going to a country school, a
ittle high school and then a dropout. Then a much larger
~hool; the school of hard work and hard knocks. We grew up
vith steam threshing machines and sawmills trying to keep up
vith the many problems that are a part of life.
"I married a country girl, MYRTLE MURIEL BOLON, in
L930. I continued in sawmill and lumber business, bought a
~ouple of farms along the way which were mostly timbered.
Nith ill health in the family and no children, I quit the lumber
usiness and devoted my time to farming which was my first
Joe and Henrietta
"After the death of Myrtle, I married HENRIETTA
(STEVENSON) JACKSON, a widow with two sons. Even-
tually I sold one farm, rented the other and retired to Cuba. I
question retirement being a time of leisure."
On 14 July 1966 Joe deeded to Smithfield eight lots as a
playground at the south side of the village in memory of his
deceased wife,Myrtle. The land was developed into a ballfield
for the young people of the Smithfield area. To show their
appreciation for the gift, the citizens of Smithfield named the
playground Helle Park and dedicated it 4 October 1985. The
dedication was a complete surprise to Joe as all involved kept
the secret from him prior to the day of dedication. On that day
he was asked to check on "problems" along the Spoon River
Scenic Drive route and kept away until just minutes before
the dedication ceremony. It was a fitting tribute to a deserving
"I Remember ...
Gail Helle, brother
Joe was the Rock of Gibralter, the responsible guy, a good
second father; always looked after us. One time Gene, as a
small boy, climbed the silo. As he reached the top, Joe was
coming in with a load of hay. Gene slipped and by the time he
hit the ground, Joe had made it across the barnyard and was
waiting for him. (Gene stood up at the supper table that
In the dark days of the depression Joe would come on Sun-
day and have new overalls for us boys and dresses for Char-
lotte and June. I can merely say, "Thank you, Big Brother."
You always stood tall in the saddle to all your kid brothers.